Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gleek It Out

So, yesterday was my youngest sister's 14th birthday. Not really a big one, but I don't spend a whole lot of time with her, so I decided to do something special for her birthday. She's been aching to go see the Glee 3D Concert Movie since it came out in theaters, and I was just as anxious to go see it, so I thought it would be a good idea for us to spend some quality time together. Glee is one of the only things that we have in common, as she is more of a social butterfly where I am a book-smart nerd.

Despite our differences, Glee has brought us together, if only for an hour sitting in front of the television. The reason that I love Glee is because it teaches you that you have to accept and love who you are, no matter what you look like, who you love, or what you believe. It's one of the few shows out there that will tell you that you're beautiful, no matter how society looks at you. (She watches it for the hot guys, but who doesn't? lol)

So even if you're not a Gleek like me, I think that you should at least give it a chance, because it may change the way that you look at yourself, give you some more self-confidence. That's why I love being a Gleek. What's your reason? Gleek it out, everybody, cuz in the words of Lady Gaga, you were born this way, baby.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I've Been Working on the....Pizza Oven?

I've neglected to post any new entries lately, mainly due to the fact that I started work on Tuesday and have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off ever since. I'm officially a hostess and delivery driver for Pizza Plus (hold applause and confetti cannons, please). The job itself is really great. I get to be busy all of the time, which makes the hours go really fast. People will also usually leave a nice tip if you make sure to always be available for requests or refills, so I've made a nice chunk of change in the last two days. I also get paid per delivery on top of my hourly wage, so overall my fast food service job could be a whole lot worse. Anyone who knows me understands that I reasonably hate working at a fast food restaurant. I served my practically mandatory sentence at Wendy's while I was a junior in high school, and it was one of the most disgusting periods of my life. Not only did I come home smelling like grease and onions, my skin was always breaking out and the customers were among some of the most rude people I have ever come across. However, I don't really consider Pizza Plus (which is kind of like a Pizza Hut in Tennessee for all you Ephratians) to be fast food, because it has a salad bar and buffet. Not to mention no malodorous smell.

But anyway, that's why I have neglected my responsibilities lately, both at home (my laundry pile is practically a mountain) and on this blog.

On a more task-oriented note, I still have to write an essay for the application to the University of Limerick and take it into the ETSU office in Johnson City. I have no gas or gas money so far, which make this a difficult proposition. I guess I'll just have to take it in when I go to hand in the first of my payment plan installments. Which is also another thing I'll have to come up with money for in the month between now and when I get my first paycheck. Lovely.

As always,
TTFN or Ta-Ta for now!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Super Cute

My parents both fell asleep while watching TV on the couch, and they are now snoring in unison. I think it is adorable, but my version of cute differs from that of most people. My mom keeps kicking me, but otherwise it is really cute.

Well, my interview today went pretty well. It was actually pretty well, though it was my first time participating in a group interview. Basically, the interviewer sat down with us in their back room and asked us several questions, giving us each an opportunity to answer each question before moving on to the next one. After the Q and A portion, we were asked to look at a few of the displays in the store and write down what, if applicable, was wrong with the displays. We were then asked to pick out an outfit for a specific client. Mine was a 30 year old woman who was taking her infant daughter and 8 year old son to get pictures taken and needed clothing. I think I picked out a couple of cute outfits for each child and responded well to the questions, but I won't know for sure until next Thursday how it went.

The hiring manager said that he was going to hire one or two people out of our group of 5, so I'm crossing my fingers. I pretty much have a 50/50 chance, as one of the applicants showed up 15 minutes late for the interview. As anyone who has ever had an interview knows, this is a bigggg no-no. Being on time can often be considered to be late at some companies. The other three girls were about as equally qualified as me, so I'm not surehow I stack up. I had a good feeling, but I can't base anything on that.

In other news, I accepted the first job I was offered. I was supposed to go in to do paperwork tonight, but I went to go see my sister's dance recital and it kind of evolved into a minor family emergency. I didn't have any cell phone signal where I was, so I couldn't call in. I just hope the manager there understands. I'm sure she will, but it doesn't exactly look good on my part.

Poop. This stinks. Hope everything goes well tomorrow.
TTFN and Ta-Ta for Now

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Just Gets Better

And hopefully, it stays that way. I got called for an interview at 5:00 today, and was asked to come to the place in 20 minutes. A little soon, I know, but it was just down the street, so it was all right. I got offered the job (on one hand, YAY!!!) but I still have the interview tomorrow. Whether or not I take the job I was offered will all depend on how tomorrow's interview goes. I would rather have that job, but I'll take whatever I can get. At least I know that I have a job guaranteed, regardless of how tomorrow goes. And that has taken a little bit of weight off of my shoulders. Now I just have to gird my loins and prepare to rock the interview tomorrow. On the bright side, I have never been to an interview where I didn't get the job. Most of the time, a manager for an entry-level position knows whether or not he/she is going to hire you right as you walk through the door. To improve my chances, I'm just going to look as nice as possible and bring my bubbly personality (Don't you dare laugh!) to the table to make sure that the hiring manager knows that I am the best person for the job. 

On a somewhat related note that I'm really not going to go into, MEN!!! Listen up. Worship the ground that your girl walks on. She goes through a lot to make sure that she is beautiful for you. Case in point, waxing. It is incredibly painful, even when it is only on your face and not your nether bits. Don't even get me started on that. If you don't believe me on how painful waxing is, have your girl wax you. Arms, legs, eyebrows, it doesn't matter. Just know that she goes through quite a bit of suffering to make sure that she is hair free in all the right places.

 Okay, that was awkward. I'm just going to leave it at that.

TTFN and Ta-Ta for Now, Kiddies. My week is looking so much brighter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Good news!!! I finally, after almost two months of putting in 5 applications every single night, got called for a job interview on Friday at 3:00. Now, I'm not totally getting my hopes up, because this in no way means that I have the job. However, my track record is pretty good. So far, I've gotten every job that I've been called into an interview for. Granted, these are entry-level positions, but we've all got to start somewhere, right? I'll just have to continue using my magnetic personality to snag this job! I really need it, especially with yet another problem with my car showing itself. My serpentine belt is slipping. Not an immediate concern, but it should be taken care of ASAP to avoid a costly repair bill.

I'm kind of getting tired of spending so much money on a car in so short a period of time. Of course, it is not NEARLY as bad as my sister's car, but still. Anyone else have a lemon that's cost them more money than they've spent on the car itself?

But enough of my complaining, I really am excited that things are starting to look up. Maybe this means that my streak of bad luck is finally over? Hopefully? Knock on wood for me. I know I will be until they call me back and tell me I have a job.

I am so avoiding black cats and broken mirrors.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Still Shaking

My car, that is. Not me. Though I have still been doing a little of the finger-shake routine myself. I'm a little sore in my neck from whiplash and in my hips from only-God-knows what. My real problem is my car. And its a minor problem at that. Both my fenders have been popped off just a little bit on the driver's side, but that can easily be fixed with a little epoxy. My real issue is the fact that my car is shaking like a preteen girl at her first make-out party. Thankfully, it only gets really bad if I go over 85 mph, which isn't something I need to do very often. So the issue is not an immediate safety concern, but still needs to be taken care of. I know that the subframe is bent from an accident that the previous owner had, but I'm not sure what I damaged in my little accident yesterday. If anyone happens to know what may be causing my own personal earthquake, please let me know so I can tell the body shop when I get the ungodly amount of money it is probably going to cost to fix it.

On a lighter note, I met with my academic adviser about the classes I am going to take while studying abroad in Ireland. Well, at least the ones with a distinctly English subject. My recommendation to anyone also planning on studying aboard? Get your paperwork done early in case there is some problem you need to run the whole way across campus or back home for. For example, I need to print out a course description of one of the history classes I am going to take, and the chairman of the history department was leaving about 5 minutes after I walked into his office. So I have to run the extra 40 miles each way back into Johnson City sometime later this week to get his signature for that class and several others. Luckily, I still have three weeks before the application for the University is due. Otherwise, I would really be up Sewer Creek with only my hands to propel me.

At least my car insurance is paid off for the month....
TTFN and ta-ta for now, everybody!

Monday, August 8, 2011


Well, so much for better news today. I was taking my sister to cheerleading practice in Church Hill when I slid off the road and into a ditch. It popped both of my driver's side tires and may have wrecked my steering. Even worse, we were in a cellular dead zone. Thankfully, at least 20 people stopped to see if I was alright and if I needed help. Two men helped me put on the spare and pump air into the one tire that wasn't completely punctured. Both men are my heroes today and have temporarily restored my faith in humanity. I haven't driven the car since Walmart replaced one of the tires, but my dad is saying that it's having problems going over 55 mph. It's always vibrated, since I bought it after it had been repaired after an accident, but never so bad that I worried about flying off of the road. And now I'm concerned, because school starts in three weeks and I don't have a job or the money to pay for the repairs. And my credit card is now maxed out. And I'm really freaking out that my insurance payment is due tomorrow. I have to go into Johnson City tomorrow at 2 for my meeting with my academic adviser, and I'm not sure that I want to push my car that hard.

Essentially, I'm really upset. Not to mention the fact that my hips are currently on fire and I think I may have done something to them in the accident. My week just can't get any worse if it tried. Hopefully bad thing really do come in threes, because I don't think I can handle much more bad news. Someone wanna try to cheer me up? I'd be really grateful.

Currently on bed rest and hoping that I didn't seriously hurt myself or my sister.
TTFN and ta-ta for now

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Disappointment and Harsh Realities

Hey anyone,

I was officially given my pink slip from Demand Studios today as the result of a massive layoff operation. After almost a year and 400 articles, apparently my work was not good enough to meet their standards. Whatever. As anyone who has been fired form a job will know, it's not so much the company you miss as the income. I could take or leave the company, especially after the disrespect they have shown for their employees in the last week. However, this means that I'm currently looking for a job in this screwed-up economy, and my hopes for finding a job are not exactly high. My car insurance payment is due on Tuesday, and I'm about 20$ short. My mom is willing to hire me on for two weeks, but if I haven't found a job by the end of my time with her, I'm still without a means of paying off student loans, cell phone payments, or saving for my study abroad trip. So, essentially, I'm screwed. Royally.

Anyone know of any job openings in the Johnson City/Greeneville area of Tennessee? If so, please PLEASE let me know about them. At this point, I'm desperate.

On to more interesting news, I'm going into Johnson City tomorrow to meet with my adviser to set up my schedule for my semester in Ireland. I also have to meet with financial aid to fill out scholarship information and to set up a payment plan for this semester. I am up to my elbows in paperwork right now, but it will all be worth it when I set foot on Irish soil. At least, I hope it will all be worth it.

Happier news tomorrow (I hope).

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Hey. Anyone reading this? Didn't think so. So I'm going to talk to myself and see if it helps "relieve stress" and all that crap psychologists spout. I'm 19 years old, attending college at East Tennessee State University for a degree in English and Communications. I work as a freelance writer for Demand Studios Media...for now. Just found out that I may be losing my job fairly soon, and I'm trying to figure out why everything has to hit me at one time. But I guess everyone has that problem.

I'm attempting to study abroad in Ireland next semester. I'm trying to get some scholarships to be able to pay for the trip and the fact that I'm losing my job really doesn't help that. Getting a job is really hard down here in Tennessee, so I hope that I'm not a part of the culling process. But I'm getting off topic. The whole point of this is to talk about my study abroad trip. I'm going to catalog my application process, my packing lists, and anything else I can think of. Hopefully, I'll get into the University of Limerick (where I'm applying) and will later catalog my adventures in Europe. I'll try to give advice as I go for anyone else who is studying abroad to smooth over any problems they may have.

Well, it's getting kind of late, and my bed is beckoning. Leave me a message below if you actually are reading this, have any questions, or just want to reach out and try to smooth any of the problems I may have with my studying abroad process. I would love any kind of help, and I'm not too proud to beg.

TTFN and Ta-Ta for Now