Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Still Shaking

My car, that is. Not me. Though I have still been doing a little of the finger-shake routine myself. I'm a little sore in my neck from whiplash and in my hips from only-God-knows what. My real problem is my car. And its a minor problem at that. Both my fenders have been popped off just a little bit on the driver's side, but that can easily be fixed with a little epoxy. My real issue is the fact that my car is shaking like a preteen girl at her first make-out party. Thankfully, it only gets really bad if I go over 85 mph, which isn't something I need to do very often. So the issue is not an immediate safety concern, but still needs to be taken care of. I know that the subframe is bent from an accident that the previous owner had, but I'm not sure what I damaged in my little accident yesterday. If anyone happens to know what may be causing my own personal earthquake, please let me know so I can tell the body shop when I get the ungodly amount of money it is probably going to cost to fix it.

On a lighter note, I met with my academic adviser about the classes I am going to take while studying abroad in Ireland. Well, at least the ones with a distinctly English subject. My recommendation to anyone also planning on studying aboard? Get your paperwork done early in case there is some problem you need to run the whole way across campus or back home for. For example, I need to print out a course description of one of the history classes I am going to take, and the chairman of the history department was leaving about 5 minutes after I walked into his office. So I have to run the extra 40 miles each way back into Johnson City sometime later this week to get his signature for that class and several others. Luckily, I still have three weeks before the application for the University is due. Otherwise, I would really be up Sewer Creek with only my hands to propel me.

At least my car insurance is paid off for the month....
TTFN and ta-ta for now, everybody!

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