Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Just Gets Better

And hopefully, it stays that way. I got called for an interview at 5:00 today, and was asked to come to the place in 20 minutes. A little soon, I know, but it was just down the street, so it was all right. I got offered the job (on one hand, YAY!!!) but I still have the interview tomorrow. Whether or not I take the job I was offered will all depend on how tomorrow's interview goes. I would rather have that job, but I'll take whatever I can get. At least I know that I have a job guaranteed, regardless of how tomorrow goes. And that has taken a little bit of weight off of my shoulders. Now I just have to gird my loins and prepare to rock the interview tomorrow. On the bright side, I have never been to an interview where I didn't get the job. Most of the time, a manager for an entry-level position knows whether or not he/she is going to hire you right as you walk through the door. To improve my chances, I'm just going to look as nice as possible and bring my bubbly personality (Don't you dare laugh!) to the table to make sure that the hiring manager knows that I am the best person for the job. 

On a somewhat related note that I'm really not going to go into, MEN!!! Listen up. Worship the ground that your girl walks on. She goes through a lot to make sure that she is beautiful for you. Case in point, waxing. It is incredibly painful, even when it is only on your face and not your nether bits. Don't even get me started on that. If you don't believe me on how painful waxing is, have your girl wax you. Arms, legs, eyebrows, it doesn't matter. Just know that she goes through quite a bit of suffering to make sure that she is hair free in all the right places.

 Okay, that was awkward. I'm just going to leave it at that.

TTFN and Ta-Ta for Now, Kiddies. My week is looking so much brighter.

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