Sunday, August 7, 2011

Disappointment and Harsh Realities

Hey anyone,

I was officially given my pink slip from Demand Studios today as the result of a massive layoff operation. After almost a year and 400 articles, apparently my work was not good enough to meet their standards. Whatever. As anyone who has been fired form a job will know, it's not so much the company you miss as the income. I could take or leave the company, especially after the disrespect they have shown for their employees in the last week. However, this means that I'm currently looking for a job in this screwed-up economy, and my hopes for finding a job are not exactly high. My car insurance payment is due on Tuesday, and I'm about 20$ short. My mom is willing to hire me on for two weeks, but if I haven't found a job by the end of my time with her, I'm still without a means of paying off student loans, cell phone payments, or saving for my study abroad trip. So, essentially, I'm screwed. Royally.

Anyone know of any job openings in the Johnson City/Greeneville area of Tennessee? If so, please PLEASE let me know about them. At this point, I'm desperate.

On to more interesting news, I'm going into Johnson City tomorrow to meet with my adviser to set up my schedule for my semester in Ireland. I also have to meet with financial aid to fill out scholarship information and to set up a payment plan for this semester. I am up to my elbows in paperwork right now, but it will all be worth it when I set foot on Irish soil. At least, I hope it will all be worth it.

Happier news tomorrow (I hope).

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