Saturday, August 6, 2011


Hey. Anyone reading this? Didn't think so. So I'm going to talk to myself and see if it helps "relieve stress" and all that crap psychologists spout. I'm 19 years old, attending college at East Tennessee State University for a degree in English and Communications. I work as a freelance writer for Demand Studios Media...for now. Just found out that I may be losing my job fairly soon, and I'm trying to figure out why everything has to hit me at one time. But I guess everyone has that problem.

I'm attempting to study abroad in Ireland next semester. I'm trying to get some scholarships to be able to pay for the trip and the fact that I'm losing my job really doesn't help that. Getting a job is really hard down here in Tennessee, so I hope that I'm not a part of the culling process. But I'm getting off topic. The whole point of this is to talk about my study abroad trip. I'm going to catalog my application process, my packing lists, and anything else I can think of. Hopefully, I'll get into the University of Limerick (where I'm applying) and will later catalog my adventures in Europe. I'll try to give advice as I go for anyone else who is studying abroad to smooth over any problems they may have.

Well, it's getting kind of late, and my bed is beckoning. Leave me a message below if you actually are reading this, have any questions, or just want to reach out and try to smooth any of the problems I may have with my studying abroad process. I would love any kind of help, and I'm not too proud to beg.

TTFN and Ta-Ta for Now


  1. I am reading it, although rather long after the original post date.
