Thursday, August 18, 2011

I've Been Working on the....Pizza Oven?

I've neglected to post any new entries lately, mainly due to the fact that I started work on Tuesday and have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off ever since. I'm officially a hostess and delivery driver for Pizza Plus (hold applause and confetti cannons, please). The job itself is really great. I get to be busy all of the time, which makes the hours go really fast. People will also usually leave a nice tip if you make sure to always be available for requests or refills, so I've made a nice chunk of change in the last two days. I also get paid per delivery on top of my hourly wage, so overall my fast food service job could be a whole lot worse. Anyone who knows me understands that I reasonably hate working at a fast food restaurant. I served my practically mandatory sentence at Wendy's while I was a junior in high school, and it was one of the most disgusting periods of my life. Not only did I come home smelling like grease and onions, my skin was always breaking out and the customers were among some of the most rude people I have ever come across. However, I don't really consider Pizza Plus (which is kind of like a Pizza Hut in Tennessee for all you Ephratians) to be fast food, because it has a salad bar and buffet. Not to mention no malodorous smell.

But anyway, that's why I have neglected my responsibilities lately, both at home (my laundry pile is practically a mountain) and on this blog.

On a more task-oriented note, I still have to write an essay for the application to the University of Limerick and take it into the ETSU office in Johnson City. I have no gas or gas money so far, which make this a difficult proposition. I guess I'll just have to take it in when I go to hand in the first of my payment plan installments. Which is also another thing I'll have to come up with money for in the month between now and when I get my first paycheck. Lovely.

As always,
TTFN or Ta-Ta for now!

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